Sunday Morning~

ahah..bgn2 je tido rase buhsan yang teramat sangat
xtw la nape buhsan giler pagi ahad nie
nak kua cam malas je sbb mlm tadi dah kua kul 1 blk kot
watched Sherlock Holmes
ade org kate cite tu x best
but overall
okay ape.. smart la cite tu..
in 2010
there's plenty of bombastic movie will take their turn to come up
waiting to watch them all

kepada awak: sori ea, mlm tadi tertido la..baring2 je.lelap trus.
xdp la nak tlg hias2 ur blog
sooorrrriiiieeee k?

yg cnfrmnyer~
saye tgh buhsannnnnnnnnn~


3 Response to "Sunday Morning~"

  1. saya Says:
    January 3, 2010 at 12:27 PM

    eh, suke ati kite la ckp ta best.

    iye2,sy tahu awk da tido. ;)

  2. ariffin mutalib says:
    January 3, 2010 at 7:20 PM

    saya pon bosan gak nie
    x taw nk wt pe
    epin cutez

  3. am says:
    March 22, 2010 at 9:05 PM

    hahahahah..ipin ngok ngek...